HOTELIER Magazine - 3rd issue
The Hotelier LLC presented the third issue of its "Hotelier Magazine" which covers the ever-growing hospitality industry in Armenia and not only. The event took place at HYATT Place Yerevan and it brought together over 110 hotel industry executives, representatives of adjacent spheres both governmental and private. Stanisav Stojcic, the general manager of HYATT Place, Yerevan, as well as Tatevik Revazyan, Chair of Civil Aviation Committee of RA, opened the event with remarks and spoke of the importance of having such an initiative bring together the whole industry and contribute to its development in Armenia.
Catalina Susan - Armenia Marriott Hotel, Yerevan
Another unique thing is the Marriott property itself it is landmark itself, everybody knows it, it is in a very central position, all the diaspora knows about this property, and this keeps our customers loyal. When you think of a hotel in Yerevan, you think at Armenia Marriott Hotel.
Каталина Сьюзан - генеральный директор Armenia Marriott Hotel, Ереван
Например, в условиях Европейского Союза, даже законодательство совершенно отличается от Дальнего востока. Marriott не дешевая собственность. Я бы сказала, что самой большой проблемой сейчас является поиск поставщиков на текущем рынке, поскольку вариантов здесь не так много, и, что удивительно для меня, некоторые поставщики не хотят работать с Marriott.
Также сложно найти аутсорсинговые компании, что является одним из вариантов управления собственностью с более высокой прибыльностью. Гораздо проще работать с аутсорсинговыми компаниями и нанимать их в разгар сезона, а в другие сезоны всю работу выполняют ваши штатные сотрудники.
Armin Eberhard-Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel
Location is often a paramount decision for a frequent individual traveler. The sheer size of the city demands the planning ahead of travel requirements within the city during the stay. Residing on one side of the city and commuting to the other side during a short stay period puts enormous pressure on schedules and extends travel time. However, the frequent individual business traveler is an expert customer in-service evaluation and possesses a great experience to compare hotel products and services worldwide.
Salvatore Casarrubia - Opera Suite Hotel, Yerevan
It is very important to understand that it is bilaterally effective both for the company and the employee. As a hotel, you can have the worst facilities, but if you have a motivated staff, you will have an advantage over your competitors with the quality of service your staff can provide.