

Famous people who got their start in hospitality

Everybody has to start somewhere, right? You may think a lot of the “rich and famous” were born that way, but you’d be wrong. Many started off with humble jobs in hotels, restaurants and resorts and those experiences played a big part in their future success.

Salvatore Casarrubia - Opera Suite Hotel, Yerevan

It is very important to understand that it is bilaterally effective both for the company and the employee. As a hotel, you can have the worst facilities, but if you have a motivated staff, you will have an advantage over your competitors with the quality of service your staff can provide.

Сальваторе Касаррубия - генеральный директор отеля Opera Suite, Ереван

Ереван очень красивый и гостеприимный город, и я очень доволен открытием новых отелей, но в то же время я обеспокоен тем, что новые отели занимаются демпингом, но не все, конечно. Демпинг очень опасен и может нанести ущерб рынку, а восстановление потребует длительного времени, и будет очень сложно. Меня не пугает открытие новых 5-звездочных отелей, я рад этому. Обычно они должны стоить дороже моего 4-звездочного отеля (улыбается).

Hayk Sahakyan-The Alexander, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Yerevan

Each hotel aims to be considered as the best one, it is the obvious desire. The luxury segment is the new-born definition in Armenia in general and in the hospitality industry in particular. As the first and only international luxury hotel in the country, we represent standards, approach, and vision that the luxury hotels are to have. In my opinion, luxury is the best, limited, sophisticated and meaningful attitude to the regular services and goods, similar to the reason to separate classical music from the rest.