
Inna Khostikyan - Republica Hotel Yerevan
The first thing I would like to state is that the competition in Yerevan today is very open-minded and cooperative as it has never been before. And it’s a great achievement of all of us in the market since that helps to figure out obstacles and challenges together. The proof of that is the re-establishment of the Armenian Hotel Association in the mid of this year. That means that the hotels are in healthy competition for each niche. In reality, competition pushes for nothing more but self-development and development of the market. Coming back to the specifications of our hotel, I would definitely mention the boutique style of Republica. We have relatively limited space, but we did the best to create an unforgettable atmosphere for our guests, to deliver hearty service, individual approach, tailor-made services’ scope. Also, we are aiming for a gastro-hotel positioning.

Воскан Коканян - Marriott Tsaghkadzor
В целом, нет никаких преимуществ, а есть только проблемы с управлением брендовым отелем в курортной зоне ... Мы принимаем как группы, так и отдельных лиц, и их ожидания отличаются от столичных гостей. В тоже время, как Marriott, мы должны обеспечивать лучший сервис и жилье на рынке, что мы и делаем изо дня в день. Однако , следовать всем стандартам непросто. Наш девиз - «Современная роскошь в естественной красоте», и мы применяем индивидуальный подход ко всем нашим гостям.

Voskan Kokanyan - Marriott Tsaghkadzor
In general, there are no advantages but only challenges to run Brand Name Hotel in the resort area… We are hosting both groups and individuals, and their expectations are different than in the capital. As Marriott, we should provide the best service and lodging in the market which we do day to day, but to keep all standards is challenging. Our motto is Modern Luxury in Natural Beauty, and we adopted a personal approach to all our guests.