

Inna Khostikyan - Republica Hotel Yerevan

The first thing I would like to state is that the competition in Yerevan today is very open-minded and cooperative as it has never been before. And it’s a great achievement of all of us in the market since that helps to figure out obstacles and challenges together. The proof of that is the re-establishment of the Armenian Hotel Association in the mid of this year. That means that the hotels are in healthy competition for each niche. In reality, competition pushes for nothing more but self-development and development of the market. Coming back to the specifications of our hotel, I would definitely mention the boutique style of Republica. We have relatively limited space, but we did the best to create an unforgettable atmosphere for our guests, to deliver hearty service, individual approach, tailor-made services’ scope. Also, we are aiming for a gastro-hotel positioning.
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HOTELIER Magazine - 3rd issue

The Hotelier LLC presented the third issue of its "Hotelier Magazine" which covers the ever-growing hospitality industry in Armenia and not only. The event took place at HYATT Place Yerevan and it brought together over 110 hotel industry executives, representatives of adjacent spheres both governmental and private. Stanisav Stojcic, the general manager of HYATT Place, Yerevan, as well as Tatevik Revazyan, Chair of Civil Aviation Committee of RA, opened the event with remarks and spoke of the importance of having such an initiative bring together the whole industry and contribute to its development in Armenia.
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Vahe Khachatryan - Courtyard Moscow Paveletskaya

Hotel business as a real estate investment is one of the most long-term ones. If you invest the same amount of money into building a business center, you would get Return of Investment (ROI) faster. However, from my point of view, the hotel business is more valuable in the long-term perspective; its image and constantly growing asset represent a great interest for every investor. I am sure the hotel brand is also very important for a successful hotel. I think, on average, 15-20 years are required to get to ROI.

Karine Nazaryan - Hospitality Professional

Also, probably the most important matter is that you – literally – take care of people. This is debatable, but my experience tells me it takes empathy and commitment to put another person’s needs and desires ahead of your own – while keeping a smile on your face. Customers come to hotels for various reasons, but in short, they want an experience. They want hotel employees and representatives to accord their time, care and attention. And just as people differ greatly, so does the care and commitment each hotelier exhibits to his/her clients. Some may settle for meeting the basics, such as checking-in a family or serving beverages at the hotel’s bar, but others will take an extra step and not just meet their client’s demands, but also exceed them.

Анастасия Романова Expedia Group - Специалист по рынку: Грузия, Армения, Украина

Expedia Group – это не просто OTA, это, действительно, travel-platform, с помощью которой путешественник может полностью сформировать свою поездку: от покупки авиабилета и бронирования отеля до аренды автомобиля и приобретения круиза, билетов на концерт или экскурсионного тура. Для корпоративного сегмента существует ресурс Egencia, который тоже не ограничивается только предложением средств размещения.

Anastasiya Romanova - Expedia Group

Expedia Group is not just an OTA, it is indeed a travel-platform, with the help of which the traveler can completely form his/her trip: starting from buying a ticket and booking a hotel to renting a car and buying a cruise, tickets to a concert or sightseeing tour. For the corporate segment, there is a resource Egencia that is also not limited to the offer of new properties.

Hayk Sahakyan-The Alexander, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Yerevan

Each hotel aims to be considered as the best one, it is the obvious desire. The luxury segment is the new-born definition in Armenia in general and in the hospitality industry in particular. As the first and only international luxury hotel in the country, we represent standards, approach, and vision that the luxury hotels are to have. In my opinion, luxury is the best, limited, sophisticated and meaningful attitude to the regular services and goods, similar to the reason to separate classical music from the rest.
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Hotelier Magazine - 2nd issue presentation (11.07.2019)

The Hotelier LLC presented the second issue of its “Hotelier Magazine” which is devoted to covering the ever-growing hospitality industry in Armenia and not only. The event took place at Armenia Marriott Hotel and it brought together over 130 hotel industry executives, representatives of adjacent spheres both governmental and private.