Voskan Kokanyan - Marriott Tsaghkadzor
In general, there are no advantages but only challenges to run Brand Name Hotel in the resort area… We are hosting both groups and individuals, and their expectations are different than in the capital. As Marriott, we should provide the best service and lodging in the market which we do day to day, but to keep all standards is challenging. Our motto is Modern Luxury in Natural Beauty, and we adopted a personal approach to all our guests.
Garegin Avagyan - Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya
You need to prove yourself as a good concierge. The concierges in the city must know you, you must constantly go to meetings (they are often held in here) and be the best version of yourself.
Secondly, you must work as a concierge in a 5-star hotel for 3 years, and a total of 4 years in the hotel business. You must pass an exam, an essay, and an interview, write a project, defend this project at the annual meeting, and after that, you can get the golden key.
Getting the golden key is very difficult. You need to bring out the best in yourself and be a very good concierge. But the most important thing is to be a good person. Because if you are a good person, you are better at helping guests, and you will be flawless in this service.
Сальваторе Касаррубия - генеральный директор отеля Opera Suite, Ереван
Ереван очень красивый и гостеприимный город, и я очень доволен открытием новых отелей, но в то же время я обеспокоен тем, что новые отели занимаются демпингом, но не все, конечно. Демпинг очень опасен и может нанести ущерб рынку, а восстановление потребует длительного времени, и будет очень сложно. Меня не пугает открытие новых 5-звездочных отелей, я рад этому. Обычно они должны стоить дороже моего 4-звездочного отеля (улыбается).