Beniamin Tadevosyan, Co-founder and CEO – PayX

Your company is already well-known by its non-cash payment solutions. Could you please tell what solution do you offer to hotel business?
We have developed an unprecedented for Armenia, convenient and secure innovative solution, which allows receiving payments of customers from all over the world. A payment request, in a form of a link is sent to the customer via preferable for him communication channel – SMS, E-mail, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, etc.
By following that link a web page, with the transaction details (company name, logo, payment purpose and amount) opens. Payments by Visa, MasterCard or ArCa cards are accepted using 3D Secure technology.
This solution is vital for companies engaged in tourism, such as hotels, tourist agencies, as well as delivery and distant service providers.

What are the advantages of your solution?
There are many advantages, but let me outline the most important ones – convenience, speed, security of transactions, as well as the possibility to control and manage the transactions. It should be mentioned that, there is no need for any additional software or integration.

So, what is needed to start receiving payments?
There are no any special technical or software requirements. There is no need for web page integration or upgrade, not even additional devices are needed.
The service is available from any computer via access to MerchantX WEB online system, as well as via MerchantX application for Android phones.
In order to get an access to this service there is a need to sign a service agreement with PayX partner bank.
The list of our partner banks can be found on our web-page.

What is the service price?
We provide our solution to partner companies free of charge. The access to our services, maintenance and trainings are also done free of charge. A fee will be charged for payments by servicing bank.

PayX LLC | 50, Mashtots Ave., Yerevan, Armenia | T.: +374 55 522225 | |